Fitting equation for variable-frequency Phase Shift:
Fitting Models in Time Domain:
"Multi-exponential" model
"Stretched-exponential" model
"Diffusion controlled collisional energy transfer" model
Custom model
Custom model with built-in script programming language provides creating user-defined models. Modular object-oriented architecture allows for easy extension of the model library
- Global fit of phase spectra with the linked parameters
- Marquard-Levenberg optimization algorithm
- Exhaustive search method for confidence interval estimation
- Asymptotic standard errors for confidence interval estimation
- Judging the fit: chi-square criterion, visual inspection of the weighted residuals, the autocorrelation function of the weighted residuals
- Advanced fit quality criteria: test Z of chi-square, heterosedasticity test of the weighted residuals, runs test
- Multi-document interface
- Advanced parameters management (sorting, quick linkage and easy navigation)
- Templates for quick saving and restoring analysis and interface configurations
- Saving and loading experimental data and analysis results from databases
- Database support for saving and restoring user-defined models
- 2D and 3D data plots in frequency domain
- 2D data plot in time domain
- Graphical dependence of the pre-exponential factors vs. the decay times and their confidence intervals for a multi-exponential model
- Convenient management of experimental and fitted data and analysis results
- Searching, sorting and filtering data
- Support of data integrity and validity
- 2D graphical data previewing
- Report generation