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Contains introduction of available software producs and description of their main features.
Trial versions of our software products are available for download here.
Installation instructions for our software products are located here.
The PowerPoint presentations and manuals that show how to work with our software are available for download here.
FCS Data Processor features.
FCS Data Processor requirements
FFS Data Processor main features.
FFS Data Processor requirements
TRFA Data Processor main features
TRFD Fitting Software main features
BIFL Data Analyzer main features
TRFA Data Processor Advanced main features
TRFA Data Processor Advanced requirements
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Links to other software and services related to our department
Papers, which reports about successful analysis of data using our software or explains the theoretical background of methods and models programmed in out software
Papers, related to SSTC software applications.
Papers, related to the theoretical background of methods, models and algorithms used in our software