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15:00 02.02.2016 FFS Data Processor 2.6 is released
FFS Data Processor has been updated. New major features are:
  1. Automated creation of a global ACF + PCD analysis;

  2. The possibility to select the target chi2 criteria, standard global or weighted global is added;

  3. Direct (non-iterative) fast estimation of model parameters of measured (or calculated from raw data files) data in the Measurements database;

  4. The location of previously analysed data is memorized;

See the whole list of updates here

Trial version is updated. Download it from this address

15:20 16.02.2015 Important. A data dependent problem in a calculation of crosscorrelation from two channel Confocor 2 raw data is fixed.

This bug was introduced in the last versions. If a calculation of crosscorrelation from Confocor 2 raw data was interrupted with the error "Flow is incorrect" (this error is shown if next photon arrives before the current one), most probably you met this problem. In some cases depending on data some photons might be accounted in a wrong channel (respectively with assignment of arrival time which differ from the actual one in 1 - 3 clock-time events). In spite of this bug the calculation of ACF, PCD, etc. from one channel was correct.
Please ask for a free update of the Measurements database if you are working with two channel Confocor 2 data.

See the whole list of updates here

15:00 16.02.2015 FFS Data Processor 2.5 is released
FFS Data Processor has been updated. New major features are:
  1. Bursts analysis;

  2. Possibility to interrupt the calculation of ACF, PCD, etc. curves;

  3. Joining of several analyses stored in the database;

  4. Calculation of histograms of fit parameters;

  5. Linking to different Analysis databases;

  6. Selection of time unit while import of already calculated curves.

See the whole list of updates here

15:00 25.10.2013 FFS Data Processor 2.4 is released
FFS Data Processor has been updated. New features are:
  1.  Direct import, processing and analysis of data acquired from two SPC 130 cards (SPC 132);

  2. Calculation of red-to-blue and averaged (blue-to-red + red-to-blue)/2 crosscorrelation functions from the raw data;

  3. Burst rejection is updated by introducing user-defined gaps placed before and after of each selected busts.

See the whole list of updates here

15:00 20.05.2013 Import of PicoQuant Symphotime 64 data (*.ptu files) is implemented in FFS Data Processor and BIFL Data Analyser
FFS Data Processor and BIFL Data Analyser are updated. Import of new PicoQuant Symphotime 64 (SPT64) data (*.ptu files) is implemented.
16:50 08.02.2013 TRFA Data Processor Advanced of version 1.4 has been released. Trial version (32-bit and 64-bit) is available.
New features are:
  1.  Exponential and Anisotropy models were extended;

  2. Import of text files with a multi rows caption is implemented;

See the whole list of updates here

17:00 03.02.2012 TRFA Data Processor Advanced of version 1.3 has been released. Trial version is available.
New features are:
  1.  Anisotropy analysis is updated. Shift between parallel and perpendicular components can now be adjusted via additional property;

  2. Conversion of a polarized dataset stored in the database into two non-polarized datasets (for a global anisotropy analysis) with automated calculation of total IRF/Ref (and vice-verse) is now possible;

  3. Import Data Wizard is updated: import of multi-column ASCII data and creation of two non-polarized datasets with automated calculation of total IRF/Ref while the import of polarized data is programmed;

  4. Trial version is available;

See the whole list of updates here

16:50 03.02.2012 FFS Data Processor is updated
FFS Data Processor is updated. New features are:
  1.  Import of 5 column ASCII data (X, Y channel red, Y channel red weight, Y channel blue, Y channel blue weight) is implemented;

  2. Import of 7 column ASCII cross-correlation data (time-lag, ACF red, ACF red weight, ACF blue, ACF blue weight, CCF, CCF weight) is implemented;

  3. Import of time correlation data exported from ImFCS software into three ASCII files: one column time-lag file, N-colunm ACF file, 2*N-column SD+AVG files is implemented;;

See the whole list of updates here.

10:48 23.01.2012 New. 64-bit FFS Data Processor and TRFA Data Processor Advanced installations are now available.
new FFS Data Processor and TRFA Data Processor Advanced are now available for installation on 64-bit windows XP, Vista and 7. Applications are still running in 32-bit mode under Windows WOW64 emulator (WOW64 emulates 32-bit Windows).
15:45 17.01.2011 new TRFA Data Processor Advanced (version 1.2) has been released
new TRFA Data Processor Advanced (version 1.2) has been released. TRFA Data Processor Advanced 1.2 - an extension of the TRFA Data Processor has been released. New most important features are:
  1.  MLE with Poissonian statistics;

  2. Easy manipulation by a large number of datasets and fit parameters;

  3. The most instrumental distortion parameters (e.g. shift) as well as reference decay time can be fitted;

  4. Associative and non-associative global anisotropy analysis based on more than two polarization components.

See the whole list of features here.

15:00 06.01.2011 Import of PicoQuant PicoHarp 300 data without the header is implemented
The import of PicoQuant PicoHarp 300 data without the header (when the equipment is controlled by the LabView interface) is implemented. Both T2 (*.pt2) and T3 (*.pt3) dataformats are supported (one has to fill in the Countrate and Resolution in the last case).
15:00 11.11.10 new An update of FFS Data Processor (version 2.3) is available.

A new version of FFS Data Processor (version 2.3) is available. New most important things are:

  1.  PCH model was extended by support of: 2D Gaussian and squared Gauss-Lorensian observation profiles, correction to conformation and protonation processes, correction to the free 2D diffusion and anomalous 2D/3D diffusion;

  2. Analysis and manipulation of a large number of fitted curves is improved. The configuration dialog is updated to view more information about analysed data (multiselection is now possible in the Files grid). A special manager of fit parameter settings is programmed. It allows to set values, constraints, fixing for a number of fit parameters selected by a set of criteria. The direct selection of any analyzed dataset in the 2D plot and direct deletion of any dataset from the experiment tree is now possible;

  3. Measurements database is updated. Import Data Wizard that simplifies the import is programmed. Import of ACF, PCD as well as the import of weight factors from two or three column text files is now possible. Calculation of the average curves from a set of selected (filtered) curves is programmed.

  4. Import of ConfoCor 3 (Zeiss) data is implemented.

  5. Raw Data Builder is updated. Automated calculation of the average characteristic is programmed. Sliding analysis of characteristics, calculated from the raw data either by the constant time shift or the constant amount of photons is implemented. Multiple characteristics can now be calculated not only with different Time Step but also with different Start and End times accordingly to the chosen sliding scheme.

  6. The Poissonian model for fitting photon counting distributions and the amplitude normalization of a set of correlation curves is implemented.

See the whole list of updates here. The trial version of FFS Data Processor 2.3 can be downloaded here. The update is available on a request.

18:00 04.10.10 List of papers is updated
List of papers related either to application of the developed software or to software theoretical background (see Links/Papers) is updated
5:34 26.02.2010 Update of BIFL DA
Import and processing of PicoHarp 300, Time Harp 200 (PicoQuant GmbH) raw data files is now supported! Photons coincidence analysis using inter arrival time distribution (accordingly Weston et al. 2002) is implemented.
7:22 18.09.2008 TIR - FCS analysis
TIR-FCS analysis is now possible in FFS Data Processor. TIR-FCS model (accordingly to Hassler et al. 2004) is available as new Motion type in our FCS models (in addition to Pure 2D/3D, Anomalous 2D/3D and Confined 2D/3D diffusion). Updated models are available on request.
23:24 15.09.2008 Import and processing of raw data files having simple binary and text format is supported
Import and processing of raw data files having simple binary and text format (like one column text file containing photon arrival times) is supported. See Raw Data Builder manual for more information. New version of flow raw data import FRD.dll is available on a request.
8:30 30.04.2008 Import of PicoQuant data
Import and processing of PicoHarp 300, Time Harp 200 (PicoQuant GmbH) raw data files is now supported!
9:22 18.01.2008 FFS DP User Manuals are available
FFS Data Processor User Manuals (in printable and html form) are available for downloading
4:29 13.11.2007 BIFL Data Analyser was updated
BIFL Data Analyser was updated. The possibility to set MT Clock or read it from SPC file (in new versions of SPC files format) was added. Local menu and customizing of all charts was extended. Following errors were fixed: 1. Previewing of Total MT trace in two color experiment was incorrect (D-factor was always equal zero); 2. Calculation of a number of characteristics from SPC-830 files was prohibited. 3. Automatic calculation of shift worked only for 256 channel data without additional binning. Trial version of BIFL Data Analyser can be downloaded here.
4:00 13.11.2007 TRFD Fitting Software User Manual is available now
TRFD Fitting Software User Manual (in PDF) is available for downloading now. It can be downloaded here. User Manual can be used also for TRFA Data Processor since interfaces of both programs are very similar.
3:41 29.06.2007 TRFA Data Processor 1.4.1 was released
The TRFA Data Processor was updated. The multiexponential model has been extended by addition of infinity anisotropy term and possibility to fit fractions and ratio of preexponential factors in addition to their absolute values. Also import of data stored as multiple columns was added. Trial version of TRFA Data Processor can be downloaded here.
10:08 20.04.2007 (new) FFS Data Processor 2.0 has been released.
FFS Data Processor 2.0 - an extention of the FCS Data Processor has been released. In addition to FCS it now supports PCH and FCA. See the whole list of updates here. Trial version of FFS Data Processor 2.0 can be downloaded here.
9:26 10.04.2007 A new release of BIFL Data Analyser (version 1.1.2) is now available
Incorrect creation of sliding datasets in some cases after applying of different step and width settings and some minor interface errors were fixed.
6:43 15.03.2007 BIFL Data Analyser manual is now available
A manual of the BIFL Data Analyser in form of Power Point presentation is now available. It can be downloaded from Manuals page.
3:45 19.04.2006 BIFL Data Analyzer trial version
The trial version of BIFL Data Analyser was created. It is available from Trial versions page.
7:15 07.04.2006 Update of FCS Data Processor trial version
The trial version of FCS Data Processor was updated. The problem with trial version initialization was fixed. New version is available for download from Trial versions page.
8:51 28.02.2006 FCS Data Processor 1.4.2 has been released.
The FCS Data Processor 1.4.2 has been released. Multicolumn data import, automatic calcuation of statistical characteristics with varying TimeStep was implemented. See the whole list of updates here. Trial version of FCS Data Processor 1.4.2 can be downloaded here.
12:00 29.06.2005 FCS Data Processor 1.4.1 has been released
The FCS Data Processor 1.4.1 has been released. New version contains extended model library and supports coincidence analysis and analysis of fluorescence cumulants. Also the interface part of the software was updated in order to make it more convenient and easy in use. See whole list of updates here. Trial version of FCS Data Processor 1.4.1 can be downloaded here.
10:00 21.06.2005 New version of FCS Data Processor
The FCS Data Processor 1.4 is about to be released. New version contains extended model library and supports coincidence analysis and analysis of fluorescence cumulants. Also the interface part of the software was updated in order to make it more convenient and easy in use. To get more detailed information see PowerPoint presentations. Trial version of FCS Data Processor 1.4 will be available soon.
07:07:45 15.02.2005 BIFL Data Analyzer (BIFLDA)
In 2003 BIFL Data Analyzer (BIFLDA) software becomes available. It was designed and developed in collaboration with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. BIFL Data Analyzer (BIFLDA) software is intended for sliding analysis of fluorescence decays and correlation curves built from BIFL data obtained either from polarized measurements with two detectors collecting 0 and 90 degrees traces or from two detectors collecting two different colors using Maximum Likelihood method.
06:59:17 15.02.2004 TRFD Fitting Software (TRFDFS)
In 2003 TRFD Fitting Software (TRFDFS) software was developed in collaboration with University of Bern, Switzerland. The TRFD Fitting Software (TRFDFS) provides the global analysis of data obtained from frequency domain measurements. Combination of easy to use user friendly interface and complex models and methods makes it a powerful tool for analysis variable-frequency phase shift data. Trial version is available for downloading.
04:14:55 15.01.2003 New build of FCS Data Processor
FCS Data Processor 1.3 (build 3) is available. In new build import of data measured with Confocor2 in kinetic mode was added. The autocorrelation function as well as crosscorrelation are calculated from raw data two-three times faster. Also several small errors were fixed. Trial version of new build will be available for downloading soon.
07:06:00 15.12.2002 TRFA Data Processor (TRFADP)
Trial version of Time-Resolved Fluorescence and Anisotropy Data Processor (TRFADP) designed for global analysis of time-resolved fluorescence decay and anisotropy taken either from measurements with reference compound or from measurements with scatter is available for downloading.
11:22:35 09.05.2002 Our web site has been published today.
Today our domain has been registered and we gladly welcome you here!!!