Scientific Software Technologies Center







TRFA Data Processor Advanced

Global analysis software of Time Resolved
 Fluorescence and Anisotropy data



Analysis Database


User Manual






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Analysis Database Content









Starting Analysis Database

Starting Analysis Database can be started via 
1. Start button on the Windows Task Bar:
    • Go to the Programs/TRFA DP Advanced/ and click the Analysis Database item;
    • Choose Run and specify the path to TRFAADBAdv.EXE;
2. Windows Explorer:
    • Locate and double-click the TRFAADBAdv.EXE file (if you have performed a default installation, this file is located in c:\Program Files\SSTC\TRFA DP Advanced\Bin).

About Analysis Database
Analysis Database is used for economical storing and easy managing of results of analysis, which has been performed in TRFA Data Processor Advanced. It provides convenient and fast way of searching and retrieving information. This software let one to get rid of a great amount of paper needed to keep information about the measurements, performed analysis as well as to avoid routine manipulation with computer files, folders, etc.
Database consists of several tables with the automatically supported relationships between them.

The main features of the database are:
Database supports data integrity and validity. All information concerning the defined object is stored in one record in table. The mechanism of data integrity forbids deleting a record from one table which is linked to the records in the other tables. Data validity guarantees that values stored in the tables are always valid by the checking of the range and type of the entered data. Database is protected from the accidental changing or deleting of information by the default forbidding of editing. 
Database avoids data redundancy: each record has only one instance. It means that it is not required to enter information into the tables, if the same information is already stored in the database. User can just establish the relation between the entered and stored information. This feature is especially useful when one needs to update records in the database. The correction should be done only once at one point (where the changed information is stored) and then this update will take effect in all records which are related to the selected one.
Database provides extensive possibilities for searching information. The fastest way how to find a record by a specific field is by typing first symbols of this field in a special window. Cursor moves to the record with the field, which contains symbols matching the typed ones. The possibility to sort any table by any field is also supported. 
User may also interactively create filter with complex conditions in order to decrease the selected number of records.

Such operations as looking through the records, deleting records, editing information are provided by Database Navigator.

Main Window
Main Window consists of the following components:
Analysis page
Parameters page
Status Bar
An example view of the Database Main Window  is given in the following figure:

Menu and Toolbar provide quick way to invoke the commands of the application.
Analysis and Parameters pages display all information about one particular analysis.
Status bar, which is a horizontal area in Analysis Database below the pages, provides information about the current state of application and any other contextual information.


Main menu consists of the following several popup items:
Items Description

File Contains menu commands for importing/exporting data.
Find Contains menu commands for finding information.
Sort Contains menu commands for sorting tables.
Preview Contains menu commands for previewing graphs of analysis results, estimated parameters dependence and DataSet properties.
Reports Contains menu commands for setting the page setup and previewing and printing automatically created reports.
Tools Contains menu commands for communicating with TRFA Data Processor Advanced and performing some service database functions.
Help Contains menu commands for accessing the online Help and information about the copyright.

File menu
Use commands of the File menu for importing/exporting a data. 
The File menu contains the following commands:
Commands Description

Export to ASCII Opens Export data dialog box  that allows exporting the arrays of experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals to the text file.
New Tables Opens New Database dialog box  to create a new empty Database (set of tables) allowing to keep data in different folders or computers within the local network. One have to specify the Alias for this Database during this operation. An alias is a name and a set of parameters that describe a database resource. BDE applications use aliases to connect with databases.
Link Tables Opens Link Tables dialog box  for switching between Databases at run time. 
Import from Database Imports Analysis(es) with all supplementary information from the selected database to the current Database. Opens Import/Export Data form to select the Database and Analysis(es).
Export to Database Exports Analysis(es) with all supplementary information from the current database to the selected Database. Opens Import/Export Data form  to select the Database and Analysis(es).  
Exit Finishes the work with Analysis Database.

Find menu
Use the commands of the Find menu for finding information.
The Find menu contains the following commands:
Commands Description

Quick Search Displays a search box for the corresponding field. If you want to find quickly the necessary record you should type the first few characters and click Enter. In this case the application will automatically select the first record that contains at the beginning the characters, which matched the typed ones. For the Numeric, Logical and Data/Time fields you should type the whole value for the correspondent field. To close the search box, click Esc.
Filter Opens Filter dialog box that allows creating the filter that can be applied to the selected table If this filter is applied, the only table records that correspond to the filter criteria will be displayed.
Filter by selection Filter a table by a selected field. If the filter is applied, the only records that contain selected text are displayed.
Clear filter Clear filter expression
Remove All Filters Removes the filter from all tables.

Sort menu
Use the commands of the Sort menu for sorting tables.
The Sort menu contains the following commands:
Commands  Description

Ascending  Sorts records of the table in ascending order by the selected field.
Descending  Sorts records of the table in descending order by the selected field.

Preview menu
Use the commands of the Preview menu for previewing graphs of experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals, estimated parameters dependence and DataSet properties.
The Preview menu contains the following commands:
Commands  Description

Preview Graphs Opens Preview Window for two-dimensional preview of the experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals.
Parameters vs. ID Opens "Fit parameter vs. analysis ID view" form to inspect the dependence of the estimated parameter versus performed analysis.
Preview FQ Criteria Opens "Fit Quality Criteria preview" form to preview both numerical and graphical fit quality criteria.
Data Set Properties Opens Measurements Database and locates the analysed data.

Reports menu
Use the commands of the Reports menu for setting the page setup and previewing and printing automatically created reports.
The Reports menu contains the following commands:
Commands Description

Analysis Report... Generates and previews the Analysis Report. Opens Report Options dialog box to specify the information which will be included in to the Report and set the filter on the Analysis table for selecting the records.

Tools menu
Contains menu commands for communicating with TRFA Data Processor Advanced and performing some service database functions.
The Tools menu contains the following commands:
Commands Description

Pack Tables Reduce size of tables by releasing any free space.
Empty Analysis Tables Deletes all records from all tables, except Templates and Custom Models tables.
Check and Repair Tables Checks all tables and repairs them if they are corrupted.
Options menu item Opens Options Dialog box to set Borland Database Engine (BDE) internal variables. Do not  modify this settings if you are a member of the administrator group.
Open in TRFA DP Adv Opens current analysis in the TRFA Data Processor Advanced.

Help menu
Use commands of the Help menu to access the help and get information about the copyright.
The Help menu contains the following commands:
Commands Description

Help Contents Opens Help topic contents.
About Displays the copyright and version number for Analysis Database.


The Toolbar  is a row of buttons at the top of the Main window which represents application commands. Clicking one of the buttons is a quick alternative way to choose a command from the Menu. Buttons on the toolbar are activated or deactivated according to the state of the application.

To find out more about the functionality of any toolbar button, click this button on the figure above.
The Toolbar has short Help Hints. Help Hint is the pop-up text that appears when the mouse pointer passes over a toolbar button.
Button "View Table as Datasheet"    views the table as datasheet.
Button "View Table as Form"    views the table as form.
Button "Open in TRFA DP Adv"   opens the current analysis in the TRFA Data Processor Advanced.
Button "Ascending Sort"    sorts records of the table in ascending order by the selected field.
Button "Descending Sort"    sorts records of the table in descending order by the selected field.
Button "Quick Search"    displays a search box for the corresponding field. If you want to find quickly the necessary record you should type the first few characters and click Enter. In this case the application will automatically select the first record that contains at the beginning the characters, which matched the typed ones. For the Numeric, Logical and Data/Time fields you should type the whole value for the correspondent field. To close the search box, click Esc.
Button "Filter"    opens Filter dialog box that allows creating the filter that can be applied to the selected table If this filter is applied, the only table records that correspond to the filter criteria will be displayed.
Button "Preview"   opens Preview Window for two-dimensional preview of the experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals.
Button "Help"   opens Help topic contents.

Database Navigator

Such operations as moving from one record to another, deleting records and editing information are supported by the Database Navigator.

Navigator button First    moves to the first record.
Navigator button Previous     moves to the previous record.
Navigator button Next    moves to the next record.
Navigator button Last    moves to the last record.
Navigator button Delete    deletes  the current record.
Navigator button Edit    switches the state of the table in the edit mode. After updating information it is possible to save changes by pressing the Post button or cancel changes by pressing the Cancel button.
Navigator button Post     saves current record.
Navigator button Cancel    cancels changes.
Navigator button Refresh    refreshes the information in the table. Valuable in multiuser application when several users work with the Database simultaneously.

Analysis page
This page is used for viewing the configuration and properties of the analysis.
Analysis table is the main table in the Analysis Database (top left grid). If you select the record in this table you get all information about one particular analysis. Use the Database Navigator to manage the records of the Analysis table. The tables, which are depended on the Analysis table, contain properties and parameters of the analysis and configuration of the analysis. If you delete the record in the Analysis table, all records that are related to the analysis will be deleted.
Parameters, parameters groups and parameters linkage are displayed in Parameters page 

An example view of the Analysis page is given below:

The following components are related to the Analysis page:
Analysis table
Analysis Properties treeview
Analysis Properties table
Database Navigator
Analysis Configuration treeview
Properties table
Parameters table

Analysis table

This table displays the information about the performed and stored analysis.
It can be viewed as form view or datasheet view.
An example view of the Analysis table is given bellow:

Analysis table contains the following fields:
Field Name Description

AnalysisID Contains the unique identifier of the analysis. It is named as ID.
Name Contains the name of the analysis.
AnalysisDate Contains the date when the analysis was performed and stored into the database.
MDBAlias Contains the alias of the Measurements database About Measurements Database from which the experimental data were chosen
Description Contains the short description of the analysis.

All actions under Analysis table are collected in local menu.
Field AnalysisID is read only.
This table can be sorted by any field (except Description). To perform the sorting by the given field, select this field and click Ascending/Descending Sort button in the Toolbar or choose Ascending/Descending menu items in the local menu.
Use Quick Search button in the Toolbar or choose Quick Search menu items in local menu for quick searching the information in the selected field.

Local menu of the Analysis table
Items Description

Delete Deletes the selected record.
Edit Switches state of the table in edit mode.
Post Saves current record in the Database.
Cancel Cancels changes.
Preview Opens Preview Window for two-dimensional preview of the experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals.
Generate Report Generates the report based on the selected record.
Export Data Opens Export data dialog box that allows exporting experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals to the text file.
Open in TRFA DP Adv Opens the current analysis in the TRFA Data Processor Advanced.
Sort Sorts the table.
Find Record Allows to set the filter on the table and to search the information by typing the first few characters.
View Allows to change the view of the table.

Sort submenu
Sorts the table.
Items Description

Ascending Sorts records of the table in ascending order by the selected field.
Descending Sorts records of the table in descending order by the selected field.

Find Record submenu
Allows to set the filter on the table and to search the information by typing the first few characters.
Items Description

Quick Search Displays a search box for the corresponding field. If you want to find quickly the necessary record you should type the first few characters and click Enter. In this case the application will automatically select the first record that contains at the beginning the characters, which matched the typed ones. For the Numeric, Logical and Data/Time fields you should type the whole value for the correspondent field. To close the search box, click Esc.
Filter Opens Filter dialog box that allows creating the filter that can be applied to the selected table If this filter is applied, the only table records that correspond to the filter criteria will be displayed.
Filter by selection Filter a table by a selected field. If the filter is applied, the only records that contain selected text are displayed.
Clear filter Clear filter expression
Remove Filter Removes the filter from the table (without clearing the filter expression).

View submenu
Allows to change the view of the table.
Items Description

View As Form Displays the table as Form.
View As Datasheet Displays the table as Datasheet.

Analysis Properties treeview

Analysis Configuration treeview shows a tree of objects related to the analysis properties. Analysis properties table displays the properties of the object selected in the Analysis Configuration treeview.
An example view of the Analysis Properties Treeview is given below:

The names of the analysis properties objects are displayed on the right of the corresponding icons.
If the current analysis properties objects contains some dependent objects then it is supplied with a special indicator or . Click this indicator to show or hide the dependent objects containing in the current object.

Analysis Properties table

This table displays the properties of the object selected in the Analysis properties treeview.
An example view of the Analysis Properties table is given bellow:

Analysis Properties table contains the following fields:
Field Name Description

Name Contains the name of the property. 
Value Contains the value of the property.

All actions under Analysis Properties table are collected in local menu.
All fields are read only.
This table can be sorted by any field. To perform the sorting by the given field, select this field and click Ascending/Descending Sort button in the Toolbar or choose Ascending/Descending menu items in the local menu.
Use Quick Search button in the Toolbar or choose Quick Search menu items in local menu for quick searching the information in the selected field.

Analysis Configuration treeview

Analysis configuration treeview displays configuration of the analysis. It is based on the ExpDSMod table that links together the DataSet (stored in the Measurements Database) the Model and the Analysis.
An example view of the Analysis Configuration treeview is given bellow:

Local menu of the Analysis Configuration treeview
Items Description

Locate DataSet Opens Data Set Linker form. Is used for linking analysis with DataSets stored in other Measurements Databases, registered on the machine. It helps to restore the link to the Measurements Database.
Data Set Properties Opens Measurements Database and locate the DataSet.

Properties and Parameters tables
These tables displays the properties and parameters of the selected object in the Analysis Configuration tree view.
An example view of the Properties table is given bellow:

Properties table contains the following fields:
Field Name Description

Name Contains the name of the property. 
Value Contains the value of the property.

An example view of the Parameters table is given bellow:

Parameters table contains the following fields:
Field Name Description

Name Contains the name of the external parameter. 
Value Contains the value of the external parameter.

All actions under Properties and Parameters tables are collected in local menu.
All fields are read only.
These tables can be sorted by any field. To perform the sorting by the given field, select this field and click Ascending/Descending Sort button in the Toolbar or choose Ascending/Descending menu items in the local menu.
Use Quick Search button in the Toolbar or choose Quick Search menu items in local menu for quick searching the information in the selected field.

Parameters page

This page is used to view the settings of the estimated parameters, parameters groups and parameters linkage. The properties and configuration of the analysis are displayed in Analysis page. An example view of the Parameters page is given below:

The following components are related to the Parameters page:
Linked Parameters treeview
Free Parameters table
Linked Parameters table
Click the corresponding item to get more information about it.

Linked Parameters treeview
Linked Parameters treeview is used for displaying the parameters linkage. An example view of the Linked Parameters treeview is given below:

Parameters groups are marked by the following icon:
Parameters are marked by the following icon:
The names of the parameters groups and parameters are displayed on the right of the corresponding icons.
If the current parameters group is not empty then it is supplied with a special indicator or . Click this indicator to show or hide the parameters containing in the current parameters group.

Linked Parameters table
This table displays the settings of the parameters groups in the current analysis.
An example view of the Linked Parameters table is given bellow:

Linked Parameters table contains the following fields:
Field Name Description

Name Contains the name of the parameters group.
Value Contains the value of the parameter or parameters group. This value should belong to the interval from the minimum value contained in the field Minimum to the maximum value contained in the field Maximum.
Minimum Contains the minimum constraint for the value of parameter or parameters group.
Maximum Contains the maximum constraint for the value of parameter or parameters group 
Fixed Indicates whether the current parameter or parameters group should be fitted during the analysis. If Fixed is true then the value of the current parameter will be constant during the analysis, otherwise the parameter will be fitted.
CI Left, CI Right Contain left and right bound of the confidence interval, which was obtained for the current parameters group if the confidence interval analysis has been performed for it.
CI Analysis Indicates whether the confidence interval analysis has been performed for the current parameters group.

All actions under Linked Parameters table are collected in local menu.
All fields are read only.
This table can be sorted by any field. To perform the sorting by the given field, select this field and click Ascending/Descending Sort button in the Toolbar or choose Ascending/Descending menu items in the local menu.
Use Quick Search button in the Toolbar or choose Quick Search menu items in local menu for quick searching the information in the selected field.

Free Parameters table
This table displays the settings of the parameters related to the current analysis.
An example view of the Free Parameters table is given bellow:

Free Parameters table contains the following fields:
Field Name Description

Name Contains the name of the parameter.
Value Contains the value of the parameter or parameters group. This value should belong to the interval from the minimum value contained in the field Minimum to the maximum value contained in the field Maximum.
Minimum Contains the minimum constraint for the value of parameter or parameters group.
Maximum Contains the maximum constraint for the value of parameter or parameters group 
Fixed Indicates whether the current parameter or parameters group should be fitted during the analysis. If Fixed is true then the value of the current parameter will be constant during the analysis, otherwise the parameter will be fitted.
CI Left, CI Right Contain left and right bound of the confidence interval, which was obtained for the current parameters group if the confidence interval analysis has been performed for it.
CI Analysis Indicates whether the confidence interval analysis has been performed for the current parameters group.
Owner Contains the name and type of the model, to which the current parameter belongs.

All actions under Free Parameters table are collected in local menu.
All fields are read only.
This table can be sorted by any field. To perform the sorting by the given field, select this field and click Ascending/Descending Sort button in the Toolbar or choose Ascending/Descending menu items in the local menu.
Use Quick Search button in the Toolbar or choose Quick Search menu items in local menu for quick searching the information in the selected field.

Local menu of the Parameters and Properties Tables
Items Description

Refresh Refreshes data in the table.
Sort Sorts the table.
Find Record Allows to set the filter on the table and to search the information by typing the first few characters.

Preview window

This window is used for two-dimensional display of the experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals. The name of the analysis is displayed in the title of this window. The window consists of three charts: Decays,  Residuals and Autocorrelation of residuals.
An example view of the Preview window is given below:

Use local menu of 2D Chart for customizing the chart, export chart data to text and BMP files, save, apply and reset user defined settings.

Use Graphics toolbar in the bottom of this window to customize the view of decays.
Use Navigator in the bottom of this window to look through other datasets participating in the current analysis.
Close button closes this window.
Help button opens the help window that describes how to work with Preview window.

Navigator  allows to look through all DataSets participated in the analysis.
Graphics Toolbar contains buttons for changing view of the graphics window. This toolbar has short Help Hints. Help Hint is the pop-up text that appears when the mouse pointer passes over a toolbar button.
If the button Norm is down the Instrumental response function (or Reference compound) curve is normalized to the maximum of sample fluorescence decay before it is displayed in the decays chart.
If the button C is down the scatter or reference compound is viewed.
If the button Bg is down the background intensity is viewed.
Button T displays the curves related to the total fluorescence decay.
Button || displays the curves related to the parallel fluorescence decay. This button is enabled only in the case if data set contains parallel and perpendicular polarization components.
Button  displays the curves related to the perpendicular fluorescence decay. This button is enabled only in the case if data set contains parallel and perpendicular polarization components.
Button An displays the curves related to the fluorescence anisotropy. This button is enabled only in the case if data set contains parallel and perpendicular polarization components.
Button D makes the decays chart visible.
Button R makes the residuals chart visible.
Button A makes the residuals autocorrelation chart visible.

Fit Quality Criteria preview Form

Use this form for visualization of fit quality criteria, both numerical and graphical.
An example view of the dialog box is given below:

Criteria group box shows all calculated criteria. Select the criterion to preview.
DataSet group box displays the name of the analysed DataSet. To view criteria calculated for other DataSets participated in the analysis use Database navigator.
Graphic type tab control previews criteria. It can contains up to four tabs, for total, parallel, perpendicular and anisotropy components. 
Database navigator views criteria calculated for other DataSets participated in the analysis.
Button "Close" closes Fit Quality criteria preview form.
Button "Help" opens the help window that describes how to work with Fit Quality criteria preview form.

Report Options dialog box

This dialog box is used for customizing the Report and selecting records which will be included into the Report. You can specify Page Setup settings to adjust the printed area. An example view of the dialog box is given below:

Button "Filter" opens Filter dialog box.
Button "Ok" closes the dialog box and starts creation of the report.
Button "Help" opens the help window that describes how to work with Report Options dialog box.
Button "Cancel" closes the dialog box without creation of the report.

"Report options" page
This page is used  for customizing of the Report. Check or uncheck the boxes on this page for inserting the corresponding information into the Report. An example view of the Report options page is given below:

Check the "Analysis properties" check box if you want to include into the Report the properties of the analysis.
Check the "Analysis Configuration" check box if you want to include into the Report the configuration of the analysis.
Check the "Files information" check box if you want to include the information about the analysed files into the Report.
Check the "Model configuration" check box if you want to include the model configuration into the Report.
Check the "Model Properties" check box if you want to include into the Report the properties of the models. Model Properties check box is enabled if Analysis Configuration check box is checked.
Check the "Graphical representation" check box if you want to include into the Report the graphs of experimental and recovered characteristics, residuals and autocorrelation of the residuals. Graphical representation check box is enabled if Analysis Configuration check box is checked.
Check the "Parameters" check box if you want to include the parameters and the parameters groups of the analysis into the Report. It is possible to select the parameters which will be included into the Report in the Parameters page.
Check the "Linked Parameters" check box if you want to include into the Report the parameters which are combined in a parameters group. Linked Parameters check box is enabled if Parameters check box is checked.
Check the "FQ Criteria" check box if you want to include the Fit Quality Criteria of the analysis into the Report.

"Parameters" page

This page is used  for customizing of the Report. Check or uncheck the boxes on this page for inserting the corresponding parameter into the Report. An example view of the "Parameters" page is given below:

"Graphics" page
This page is used  for customizing the graphics charts in the report. An example view of the "Graphics" page is given below:

"Decays" group box is used for customizing the graphics chart. If checkbox is checked the correspondent curve will be  displayed in the Report.
"View data" check boxes are used for customizing the graphics chart. If checkbox is checked the correspondent curve will be displayed in the Report.
"Y axis" radio group is used for setting Y axis labels format. The labels format depends on type of the characteristic if "Auto" is checked.
"X axis" radio group is used for setting X axis labels format. The labels format depends on type of the characteristic if "Auto" is checked.
"Color" radio group is used for graph customizing.

"Page Setup" page

This page is used  for setting paper size and paper margins for the report. An example view of the "Page Setup" page is given below:


Export data dialog box

This dialog box is used to export arrays of experimental and recovered characteristics and residuals to the text file. An example view of the Export data dialog box is given below:

"File" edit box contains the name of the file where results of the analysis will be exported.
Button "Browse" opens the standard Windows Open dialog box in which the path and the name of the file can be chosen.
"Data Sets" list is used to choose the Data Sets, the data will be exported from.
"Delimeters" group box allows to set the delimeter that will be used to separate values in the exported file.
"Arrays to be saved" group box is used to choose the arrays of values to be saved. Check the corresponding check box to export the array.
The following arrays of values are available for the export:

   - Total fluorescence -- total fluorescence decay
   - Parallel component -- parallel fluorescence decay
   - Perpendicular component -- perpendicular fluorescence decay
   - Anisotropy -- fluorescence anisotropy
   - Time -- time scale
   - Experimental data -- measured or simulated data
   - Theoretical data -- the data calculated with chosen theoretical model
   - Residuals -- weighted differences between the measured and theoretical data
   - Autocorrelation of Residuals -- autocorrelation of residuals
   - Compound -- measured scatter or reference data
   - Background -- measured background data

Button "Export" executes the export procedure.
Button "Help" opens the help window that describes how to work with Export data dialog box.
Button "Close" finishes the work with Export data dialog box.

DataSet Linker form

Is used for linking the analysis to DataSet(s) stored in other Measurements Databases, registered on the machine. It helps to restore the link to the Measurements Database. An example view of the DataSet Linker form is given below:

The following components are related to the DataSet Linker form:
Databases table
DataSets table
Files table
Button "Ok" closes the Data Set Linker form and replaces DataSet ID with the selected one.
Button "Cancel" finishes work with Data Set Linker form without any changes.
Button "Help" opens the help window that describes how to work with Data Set Linker form.

Databases table
Lists all BDE Aliases, registered on the machine. An example view of the Databases table is given bellow:

Databases table contains the following fields:
Field name Description

Name Name of the database
DB Type Type of the database
Path Path

Files table
Represents the characteristics (files), related to the selected Files Group. An example view of the Files table is given bellow:

Files table contains the following fields:
Field name Description

ID Identifies of the record 
File Name Name of the file
Type Type of data
Polarization Polarization of data

DataSets table
Represents the DataSets stored in the selected Database. An example view of the DataSets table is given bellow:

DataSets table contains the following fields:
Field name Description

ID Identifies of the record 
Name Name of the files group
Date Date of measurements
Polarization, Convolution, Background and Reference Identify the type of the measurement

"Fit parameter vs. analysis ID view" form 

This window displays the dependence of the value of the given fit parameter on analysis ID. An example of the "Fit parameter vs. analysis ID view" form is given on the following figure:

2D Chart displays the Fit parameter vs. analysis ID curve. The values of the fit parameters which have the name selected in the Fit parameter combobox are displayed along the vertical axis and analysis ID value is displayed along the horizontal axis.
Fit parameter combobox is used to chose fit parameter to be displayed on the graph.
Button "Help" opens the help window that describes how to work with "Fit parameter vs. analysis ID view" form.
Button "Close" closes the "Fit parameter vs. analysis ID view" form.
Button "Help" opens the help window that describes how to work with "Fit parameter vs. external parameter view" form.
Button "Export" exports graph data to the text file.